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Shall we try again? Would you be willing to help us?

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1) What did you enjoy most about the game?  What do you want to see remain the same as it was, no matter what?

I found the intricacies and complexities of deck building fascinating.  The wide variety of available boards / terrains was refreshing as well, as one never knew what sort of environment one would end up in -- requiring decks to be versatile.

2) What did you dislike about the game?  How can that be improved, so that it's more enjoyable to you in this version?

Losing cards as a result of losing games is beyond demoralizing; it's rage quit-inducing.  If this is to be a collectable card game, then it must not be possible for a player to lose their precious, hard-earned cards as a result of a loss.  Or, if this is a must-have feature for some portion of the population of players -- however large -- then an option must exist for there to be a league of players for whom this antiquated and punishing "ante" system does not apply.

3) How important to you were the Tournaments and League?  Did you ever participate in either or both of them?  If so, which ones and how often?  If not, why not?  How can they be improved?  What were the most and least enjoyable aspects of these features?

I did not participate in tournaments; I was a casual player.

4) If you were a member, how did you feel about migrations and events?  Did they happen too often or not enough?  Considering that they're an integral part of the game design, how can they be improved?

Migrations were rewards to players who played more often.  Thus, from the reverse perspective, they acted as a punishment to casual players: they got less cards.   As a result, casual players overall possessed weaker decks and less trade options as compared with players who played more consistently.  Migrations should occur periodically, not as a reward for having played frequently.

Migrations were also extremely easy to abuse.  I once purposely went out of my way to absolutely bury my rating by playing a trash deck over and over again versus anyone willing to play against me.  Suddenly, my migrations were absolutely fabulous.  I got all kinds of fun cards, cards I'd never previously even dreamed of owning.  Then, I slapped together a deck full of the disgustingly amazing cards that I'd acquired by this silly method, and began trouncing my way back up the ladder -- half the time sporting a rating that was absolutely no reflection whatsoever of my astounding deck packed full of godlike cards.

This is not a useful, sensible and reliable system.  This is absurdity.  Migrations should be periodic (once per day, etc) and equitable (one rare and two commons per migration, etc).  Trading should be restricted to only allow like for like -- that is, one rare for one rare; one common for one common.  This will at least somewhat prevent newer players from being ripped off for their better cards, as well as prevent collaboration that results in some abomination of a deck acquired by a single popular or influential player.

5) On what devices would you play SW?  Would you play on a a mobile device, or would you only play on a computer/laptop?  Is there any aspect of the game that can be changed to make you more likely to play on a mobile device?  Do you think the mobile version of the game should be run separately from the PC version?

I would likely only play on a PC, but I can see a mobile version being viable as well, such as for iPad.

6) Keeping in mind that the game will never be pay to win, what kind of features would make you consider signing up for a membership?

I am very happy to learn that the game will remain non-pay-to-win.  That's a very important feature.

Membership in a non-pay-to-win environment implies the granting of "frills".  What sorts of frills might be interesting in SpiritWars?  Extra deck slots comes to mind; this is more convenience than power, arguably.  Access to member-only leagues seems like a bad idea, as it will leave casual players out in the cold.  Cutesy cosmetic benefits -- your name shows up all glowy and stuff in games -- is a no-brainer, I suppose.  Perhaps spirits played by a membership player are animated on the board in some fashion, whereas non-members' spirits just sorta sit there.

Hopefully, this is still alive. I played the free version of the game back in the days of Introduced a couple of friends to it back then as well. I am curious as to whether there is any consideration of mobile version of the game?

MOM...I'm with u all the way!

Can we please get this game back up and running for a mobile version?


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