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Should we try again?


Lyn Chase:
I have received a request from a former player (whom you knew as Fozzy) to try once more to bring back SpiritWars.  Do any of you have an interest in trying again?  We would need to initiate a crowdfunding campaign, find programmers, etc.  I still have all the design documents and code, but I have no knowledge of programming or how to do this.  Lord knows, I've tried.  And tried.  And tried.  And failed over and over.  Please let me know your thoughts.

I would absolutely LOVE to get SpiritWars revived! The gaming community NEEDS this game to come back and bring us all together during this crazy time in all our lives. I’m going to share this thread to see if anyone else is interested in getting involved.


Im afraid I have absolutely no coding experience. But if we get some steam and crowdfunding becomes a possibility Id be throwing some money at the screen ;)

I have a little bit of experience with coding and databases.  I'd love to help in any way I can.

Lyn Chase:
Hello Psyclone, thank you for responding.  Please email me at Lyn dot Chase at QuickCNA dot com .  I would love to talk with you further about possibilities.  I'll look forward to hearing from you. 


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