Author Topic: Welcome back!  (Read 7072 times)


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Welcome back!
« on: October 06, 2012, 08:30:11 AM »
Hey everyone!  BOUT TIME!!
Glad to see "we're" finally moving toward playing again!  To this day I've not found another game that entertains me as much as SW did!  I've force fed ideas to people over the years, so I'm always happy to give my opinion on virtually anything!  Hope all the OLD crew returns and looking forward to meeting all the NEW ones! 


RIP Randy!  Thanks for everything!


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Re: Welcome back!
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2012, 06:19:04 PM »
Sooo this game can not be downloaded yet? I cant find anywhere to download it..I used to play this when it first came out...what twelve years ago? Is there a current client? What type of programmer do you need as well? I work in the IT world and know a few guys that can get something like this up and running pretty quickly...Let me know

Lyn Chase

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Re: Welcome back!
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2012, 10:21:18 PM »
Hello friend.  Thank you for coming back to check on things.  I am Randy's widow.  I'm a nurse, not a computer person, so I'm sort of flying blind, but I think I want to find someone who can change it from its current Visual Basic and Access to Java so it could possibly become a Facebook game.  When it was written in 1998-1999, the internet was still young and people were using dial-up connectivity, so Randy built it with the mindset that it had to have a very low bandwidth requirement.  I'm wondering if now it could be all be done on the server side?  My problem is that I don't have money to just hire a programmer--or maybe it needs a team of programmers.  (I hope not.)  I wish I had a sense of how much it's going to cost to do the conversion, then I could do better planning.  If it will involve big bucks, Eric (Randy's and my son, now 18) and I have discussed the possibility of trying Kickstarter or another crowd funding source.  Please let us know if you have any suggestions or advice.  We would be very grateful.


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Re: Welcome back!
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2012, 02:37:25 PM »
Lyn... have you investigated this process at all?  Do you know how much money it will take?  I understand what it means to not have much money... trust me.... but I also understand what you have here and I understand the potential you are sitting on... I just assume that SOMEONE associated with the game has SOME kind of idea of what to do next... I would be happy to invest time researching options, but I don't want to waste time digging through information if it's already been dug through!  If you need someone to actively search for a programming solution, I am happy to!  I'll clearly need to be brought up to speed on WHERE we are and WHERE we need to be... but if you tell me we are HERE... and need to be THERE... I have no doubt in my mind I can find a map to get there!  I just don't know where HERE and THERE are... can anyone explain it to me?  All I know is it will cost money.  What doesn't?  I'm certain there are legal issues and plenty of headache ahead.... but based on my experience playing this game, there are people who KNOW what we need to do out there!  Have you spoken to anyone?  Have you investigated different programming companies?  You say you don't have the money to "just hire a programmer".... are you sure?  How much does a programmer cost?  Can anyone answer that?  How long will it take to re-program?  Once it's programmed, will they stay on board to make adjustments and updates?  Will they work on commission or percentage?  Soooo many questions.... at least we are moving in the right direction!  Let's keep the ball rolling! 


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Re: Welcome back!
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2012, 11:30:21 PM »
Heya PTM is nice to see you here =-) Mom is working on things give her a little time  and we will be up and battleing when we can !