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Status update + input needed

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It's been a few days, so let me fill everyone in on what's up. Lyn and I have been talking to a programmer about the project, and he's going to take a look and see if he's interested. If so, we'll start looking at how to prepare for a Kickstarter campaign, but that's not solidified yet.

Instead I want to talk to you guys about something even further away. In the relatively near future, we need to try and decide on the business model for the eventual relaunched game. The bottom line here is that the game has to make money, but I don't want to do anything to upset the balance of the game or the players. There are two ideas we're currently kicking around, and feedback or other suggestions would be helpful.

The first is a model similar to what Randy used in the past, where players would buy subscriptions to the game for a set length of time. However, unlike in the past, there would not be a full free version offered as an alternative. We'd give everyone who signed up some time - two weeks, let's say - of free play, after which they'd be forced to subscribe to continue. As a consequence, this would offer a more unified play experience: in the past the free version was substantially different - lacking the fluctuating kingdom, events, and so forth - whereas this would offer an exact sample of whatever the final product becomes.

The second is what's known as a "freemium" model. Games that operate with this plan are completely free to play, except for when they're not. Rather than charging to play, this would allow players to use real-world money to purchase in-game things. The disadvantage is that this walks a very fine line, and it's very difficult to create freemium content that players will want to buy that won't give them a major advantage over non-paying players.

So, there's the news. What say you?

Neo Pain:
Free to play. This is by far becoming one of the most popular concepts in gaming now. League of Legends is the BIGGEST online game... bigger than WoW because it is free to play. They make their money on non game impacting sales. They (and I) agree that if you can use money to buy things it shouldn't be to give yourself an advantage over those who cannot afford to buy shinies. Even as I say that i could see selling small packs of cards with maybe up to uncommon rarity (like MtG). Cards that would help build a deck but not be game changers in themselves.  League of Legends sale the new champions and different skins that are available for all the champions. But if you are like me and are monetarily challenged then you can earn in game "money" to buy champions. And even if you don't buy them all you still get opportunities to play them thanks to there being a "free" rotation of the champions you can use. Sooner or later you can play everyone. 

There is another preemium model out there where they sell the game for a small fee (usually on an app... $.99-$3.99) with free updates etc but also offers other paid for services. Pocket God is done like this. And it is one of the most popular games out there now.

I think the biggest problem we will have this go around will be competing in an instant gratification world. Many of these games nowadays are short quick and simple. And you either win or lose in that same quick manner. As we all know SW often is not a quick process. However just winning was enough for most of us. Or having a great match. And then the victory mig was always nice as well.  We have to make sure that win or lose the game will keep people's attention.  Possibly offer an in game currency that you receive. A lot on win... half as much with a loss. That way people with not as much money can still purchase in game content... just slower. Biggest thing is making sure to make it so money bought services has little impact the played game... i.e. he who has the most money can't just just buy the best deck.

But another thing is content would have to be put out on a regular basis. To keep the game fresh and evolving. In a way almost like M:tG. Up population sizes and see where we go. That was always one of the things I enjoyed doing... creating a deck out of all the chaos.

I like the idea of doing something similar to League of Legends, like Neo was talking about. He's been playing that game for 2-3 years and never really seemed to get tired of it (to my frequent dismay).

I've also thought that a good idea would be do the game much like it used to be, but instead of the free side population being fixed, change the options every so often. I really think that if you allow people to play for free, they'll eventually want to buy a membership. But people who can't afford membership shouldn't be basically denied the chance to play.

I know there is still much needed for the game to return.  But does anyone have a tentative time frame on when the game will be up and running?  I love the game and would be willing to pay more to play.

I've been rolling this around in my head for a week now and here's what is making the most noise...
I keep seeing this game as a Facebook game.  I've been playing Facebook games for several years now.  Companies such as Zynga or Kixeye are making a killing.  A Killing! 
I see SpiritWars as a Facebook game.  People log on and play for free.  The game is free... free.... free... UNLESS, you want to speed things up... and apparently, a LOT of people do!  Paying for "time" seems to be extremely popular and I don't see why the concept can't be applied to SW...
SO, everyone downloads the game and starts playing... as you play, you earn rating points... like before... however, now these rating points have an effect on your spirits.  Everyone STARTS with the same deck... like the old Freebie deck.  As your rating improves, your available spirits increase... Perhaps... 10 different levels of available spirits... With each level you gain, you have more spirits to use... and each level offers more valuable spirits. 
You can spend HOURS... DAYS... WEEKS... MONTHS... even YEARS playing the game for FREE... gaining (and losing) rating points as you go... Increasing your level as you proceed... increasing the available spirits as you proceed...
You can BUY your way up the rankings!  By purchasing "rating points", you automatically have access to the higher level spirits.  With this type of model, RATING POINTS would be the "currency" of the game... You can WIN them, or you can buy them.  You can spend 6 months gaining enough points (playing 10-20 games a day) to reach level... 5 (and accessing much better spirits than a level 1).. OR you can purchase rating points and bounce yourself up to level 5 in minutes.  OR spend MORE and max out to level 10.  Gaining these rating points, while awesome at first, will depend on your ability to play the game... because you can LOSE rating points!  The number of rating points you lose would depend on your opponent.  THe LOWER the level of your opponent, the MORE points you lose... the HIGHER the level of your opponent... the FEWER the points lost....
Of course, if a Level 8 player falls below the required points needed for level 8, they would become level 7 (and lose access to the Level 8 spirits).  They could work hard to get the points back and regain their previous rank.... or they could purchase them...
Regardless, the important thing is, anyone can achieve a higher level.... through HOURS of gameplay (free)... or through paying money, money. money... instantly.  The ADVANTAGE to playing your way up, is understanding your spirits... seeing different strategies as you go.... learning how and when and why to use certain spirits... so that when you start playing with the "big boys" (or girls), you are prepared for what is coming!  If you BUY your way up the ladder... you might have the same spirits as the person who slaved at their keyboard for hours on end, but you will NOT have the experience... you will not have the time designing endless decks of various cards... with constantly changing spirits... you would be like... a 16-year old kid sitting in a Ferrari.... racing a seasoned 35-year old veteran street racer in the same car.... Sure..... the kid MIGHT win, but I'd put my money on the Vet any day!
So.... to recap....
Everyone starts the game at the same Level.  Level 1.  Everyone has access to the Level 1 spirits.  These are the basic spirits... like the old free version.  PLENTY of spirits to play the game in a multitude of ways!
As you progress, you gain rating points.  More points if you play (and win) against a higher level, less points if you beat someone lower ranked.  You would lose points in a similar fashion.
As you gain points, you gain Levels.  Each level "unlocks" new spirits for your deck.  I'm not even going to try to list spirits, but those who know the game understand what I'm talking about.  THe higher your level, the better the spirits you unlock.  THe number of spirits you unlock should fluctuate with the levels.... Level 2 unlocks, say, 10 new spirits.  Level 3 might unlock 20 new spirits.  Level 6 might just be MORE spirits you already unlocked... Level 8 might only be ONE new spirits... but what a sweet spirit it would be... Each level could have a mix of spirits.. or maybe some of the levels are SPECIFIC types of spirits (ie. all Woodland).  The less desirable would come at the lower levels, the more desirable at the higher levels.
You gain levels by competing against another player.... or through tournaments...
OR you can BUY your rating points! 
The important thing is, each player should have the SAME opportunity to have the SAME spirits.  Either by playing for them, or buying them. 
Of course, you could ALSO have "special" spirits that can only be WON in a tournament.... OR... after a period of time... they are available for purchase!  Once you WIN or BUY the "specials" you can NOT lose them.  THey are yours forever... regardless of whether you lose levels (and access to "leveled" spirits). 
Migrations?  Absolutely!  Events?  Sure!  There is NO reason why the same type of events should not affect decks in the same way as before!  Events affect low levels and high levels in the same way.... the overall AFFECT, however, should be determined by your level.... GOOD events are even BETTER for higher levels... BAD events have a SMALLER impact on LOWER levels.... 
After playing Battle Pirates on Facebook for 2 years (Kixeye), I have achieved a VERY high status level.  THere are not many players who can compete with me... EXCEPT the ones who have spent a GREAT deal of money (or even more time).  There are people who have spend THOUSANDS of dollars to get to where I am.  It took me 2 years.  It took them 10 minutes.  DO I feel bad about that?  NO!  Not at all!  If it wasn't for people like them, I wouldn't have the game to pay!  I just find it more.... satisfying.... to EARN my rank.  People with larger disposable incomes can spend their money how they want!  I just happen to believe they will want to spend it on SpiritWars... especially if they want to compete with the heavy hitters...
Which of course, leads us back to my original though... SpiritWars needs to be a Facebook game.  For this model to succeed, the most important thing is a LARGE player base.  Not hundreds of players.  That won't do.  Not thousands of players.  THink big.  Facebook opens the door to HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS... or even MILLIONS of players!  If ONE MILLION people register to play SpiritWars... what percentage of people will want to pay to unlock better spirits?  Get that number in your head and multiply it by $20... or $50... or $100 dollars... I'm telling you... there is a HUGE potential for ENORMOUS amounts of money to be made...
It's difficult for a lot of people to commit to a "monthly" charge.  Some months are better than others... some months are just BUSY and less time is available to play.... some months are filled with vacation time... some months see a birth of a child or the loss of a loved one... regardless, committing to a monthly fee is just inconvenient and no longer something people want to do!  Let people play at their own pace!  Some will want to earn it by playing every night for hours on end.  Some will want instant gratification and access to better spirits overnight! 
That's my 2 cents... don't spend it all in one place!  Keep it free... and make a ton of money!
People will PAY to save TIME! 


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