
Announcements => Announcements => : Lyn Chase January 14, 2014, 09:32:23 PM

: I'm sorry
: Lyn Chase January 14, 2014, 09:32:23 PM
Dear SpiritWars family,
  I have some bad--and embarrassing--news.  We have run into a major, perhaps insurmountable, problem with the SpiritWars code.  I truly believed that we were going to be able to bring back the game.  I never meant to mislead you and I hope you'll forgive me.
  SpiritWars was written in a programming language called Visual Basic 6.  This language was old even when Randy was working on it.  Randy was a self-taught programmer and did his best but didn't live long enough to learn a newer language.  He spoke of wanting to rewrite the game in .NET, the newer version of Visual Basic, but it didn't happen.  A little lesson in programming that I just learned today:  Programmers don't write all the code themselves.  They often purchase "things" that they embed or somehow utilize in their own code.  In the case  of SpiritWars, there were things called "controls" that Randy apparently purchased from a "controls" company.  Those controls are ancient and will no longer work in today's technological environment.  It will be necessary to completely rewrite SpiritWars.
  Eric and I need your help.  Please tell us what you would like us to do, keeping in mind that we don't have the money to hire a team of programmers to do the rewrite.  Should we try a kickstarter campaign?  I'm afraid that we can't do it by ourselves.  Do any of you know how to approach investors?  Are any of you programmers who would want to work as a team to bring it back?   I can't tell you why, but I don't feel ready to just give up.  I apparently still have some fight left in me to keep trying.  We NEED your input.
  Eric attends community college and I work at my small (and not very successful) business teaching people to become nursing assistants.  But even if we had no other comittments, we don't have the knowledge to move forward with SpiritWars by ourselves.  I believe that you, dear SpiritWars family, are the best people to help us figure out a direction.  I'll be looking for your comments.
          Love, Lyn   (aka Mom)
: Re: I'm sorry
: Imprimis January 15, 2014, 04:06:48 PM
I would be willing to support a kickstarter campaign but my means are limited. I do not know any programmers nor am I able myself. I hope the support keeps up for the game and we can find a solution.
: Re: I'm sorry
: ekoms January 16, 2014, 01:16:06 PM
I am all in to help, i know a few programmers that perhaps could offer assistance. Let me know how I can help.
: Re: I'm sorry
: Lyn Chase January 16, 2014, 02:02:26 PM
Thank you!  Ekoms, do any of the programmers you know have knowledge of Visual Basic 6 and either PHP or Java?  It will be necessary to completely rewrite SpiritWars, and it makes the most sense to convert it to a language that would work with mobile devices.  I have NO knowledge of programming.  At all.  So I must rely on others to advise me.  It might have to be a collaborative effort with multiple programmers in many parts of the country working together.  I still have no idea how to fund it since I have NO money.  But I am grateful for everyone who wants to help.  Even those who think good thoughts are important to me.  I'll be watching the board here to see what else others have to suggest.  Take care.        Lyn
: Re: I'm sorry
: TwistedMe January 20, 2014, 11:50:43 PM
Yea, I figured that's where we were headed.  I also know nothing about programming, but it just "seemed" to me that it would be easier to just have the game re-written from scratch then to try and manipulate the old stuff.  I'm guessing that's not something Brett is interested in taking on... Have you considered something like Freelancer.com?  I don't know much about the "hire a programmer" sites out there, but they appear to be abundant and relatively cheap... but of course, then you'll need someone who can perform maintenance and upgrades and insert new "stuff" and you could find yourself with an on-going headache... here's some decent thoughts on getting started with something like that... http://sivers.org/how2hire    Sorry for the hassle, Lyn!  You have decisions to make... make the BEST one for YOU and your family!  We'll support your decision whatever you decide to do!   ;D
: Re: I'm sorry
: ekoms January 23, 2014, 04:37:29 PM
The short answer is yes. I am talking to them about it now, sorry for the long span reply, both work and life have been busy and I didnt receive or perhaps overlooks a "reply" notification on this thread.

I have one friend that programs almost exclusively in Java for DoD, another who specializes in DBA/VB, and one who used to program, but who now works with me solving the problems of a local company in the IT support areas.

I will let you know what they have to say, you can privately email, likely a faster response as it is nearer to my finger tips. Again I will offer whatever assistance I can.
: Re: I'm sorry
: Char January 29, 2014, 01:16:05 PM
I know nothing about programming, but if you do a kickstarter, please send out a mass email to those who are subscribed to this forum, and I'll definitely financially contribute as much as I can. This game meant so much to me. I would love to share it with my husband and friends. I tell them about it, and it's as if I'm talking about a wonderful mythical creature that's more beautiful than anything they've ever imagined. :)
: Re: I'm sorry
: helwick1 February 25, 2014, 04:52:00 PM
hi my original username was carjack and I have been so buisy with my own work that it has been a years since I have even tried to pull up Spirit wars. It was a very fun and addicting game. I hope you find a way to get it re started. look forward to playing again. I had many conversations with Randy many years ago. Sorry to here he is Gone.
originally Carjack.
: Re: I'm sorry
: tomu March 06, 2014, 02:14:11 PM
Hi Lyn,
I doubt that the original VB code would be of much use for a rewrite.  If you have any documentation on the inner workings of that code it would be better than the code itself.  Us programmers don't generally know how to write English documentation but Randy was a writer so maybe he did.  I would suggest Java for the client side.  That would be portable to the most platforms.  The server platform really doesn't mater, I would suggest Java for Linux or .Net for Windows.  VB was not capable of running as a service reliably so the original server code ran as an application.  I wouldn't build the server as a web service (PHP).  It could work that way but there are a lot of extra hoops to go through and a performance hit as well.  A web server would be the best for downloads though.  I might be interested in working on an Android port if the project takes off.  I could also do a Linux port to GTK2 if you decide not to use a Java client. 
: Re: I'm sorry
: Lyn Chase March 06, 2014, 07:37:54 PM
Hi Tom!  I'm so happy to see you here!  Thank you for your comments and help.  I have been so overwhelmed with, well, life, that I haven't figured out a plan yet for SpiritWars.  Tom, I got your voice mail today but the number on my phone was incomplete.  I'm still trying to find your number.  I know it's around here somewhere.  I am usually not so disorganized.  Please call me back!
: Re: I'm sorry
: Lyn Chase March 06, 2014, 07:44:02 PM
I know that many of you were watching for signs of progress by the programmer I had hired to wake up the spirits, but he made NO progress and is no longer involved.  His invitation to sign up for beta testing was, to say the  least, premature.  Do you think it would be a good idea for me to collect comments from players about their feelings for the game and use them to approach programmers who might be willing to do the rewrite for a percentage?  Please let me know what you think.
: Re: I'm sorry
: cbrooks May 13, 2014, 05:13:19 PM
My name is Chris Brooks and I am a director of application development with over 25 years of experience building complex systems across all tiers and platforms. I also used to play SW and had quite a few discussions with Randy about rewriting the application.  I was trying to get him to move to vb.net way back in 2002.   That said I would like to throw in my thoughts on a redesign...

Database would be SQL Server 2012.

Middle tier would be made up primarily of very lightweight REST based web service(s).  All communication, game state management and authentication would go through this tier. 

Front-End clients would be lightweight and varied.  They would be updated with game assets as needed and would provide the rich UX for the player.   

By moving to a web service architecture we do not need to completely rewrite the system for every platform.  This frees us up to reuse code no matter whether people are playing on a PC/MAC, Android, IOS, Windows store app, HTML 5/AJAX/JQuery based web site etc. etc.

Just some thoughts for what it is worth :)
: Re: I'm sorry
: Lyn Chase May 16, 2014, 08:59:14 PM
I think Chris has some AWESOME ideas!  Let's cheer him on!  Chris, I wrote you a personal e-mail.  I hope you received it.
: Re: I'm sorry
: tRu March 10, 2015, 09:14:11 PM
So hoping that this is still a go.  I'd love to see a kickstarter for Spiritwars.  It worked for Veronica Mars and while we spiritwarriors aren't quite as prolific as fans of that show, I bet we could put up a good show. Enough to get some programmers moving on it. 

Or perhaps sourceforge.com?  Dunno if that would work or not.  It's not truly opensource work but it might serve to get some programmers willing to take it on.  This game would rock on an iPad and can only wish you every success towards rebuilding the game.  Trust me, if I had a pet programmer in my back pocket you'd have the use of that in a heartbeat.

<3 tRu
: Re: I'm sorry
: elfstone April 15, 2015, 02:05:14 AM
As someone who played entirely too much soiritwars groing up, as well as running tourneys, i can safely say i would gladly throw money on a kickstarter :).

(Off topic tRu! Im so glad to see you ok! You disappeared off yahoo and msn near the end days, was worried about you!)
: Re: I'm sorry
: buiva May 19, 2015, 05:42:45 AM
Hey Lyn,
Hope you and the family are well, sorry to see that the attempted relaunch did not work out... this time. I loved Spirit Wars, was a great game with a great community, I even found the original Art CD a while ago, still got it !  Anyway I hope that Spirit Wars rises from the ashes and is reborn anew :) Please be sure to post if anyone  does start a kickstarter etc. I know at least one mate who played Spiritwars from Beta back in 98 who would probably also be keen.. I believe that my son would even play again :)  Wishing you all the best ! Regards, Matt aka Buiva.
: Re: I'm sorry
: King Leshrac July 21, 2015, 10:26:27 PM
Is everyone still around?  I'd love if this got reborn now that I'm able to be online and play whenever!  I agree that you should definitely do a kickstarter
: Re: I'm sorry
: Kersus October 19, 2015, 11:45:46 AM
I'd tag in for a Kickstarter.
: Re: I'm sorry
: Char November 10, 2015, 01:49:09 PM
Yes, please, try a kickstarter. There are so many of us that would love to contribute!
: Re: I'm sorry
: Kitar November 22, 2015, 05:20:33 PM
I played in early 2000s and felt at home on SW.  I haven't found another game with the "Magic" that is Spiritwars. I would be honored if my support, such as it is, could in some way to nurture bringing back the joys experienced here.
Thank you Lyn, and I am sure Randy is smiling down on us.

Blessings Be.
: Re: I'm sorry
: Kitar November 22, 2015, 08:13:07 PM
: Re: I'm sorry
: Vampira June 06, 2017, 11:14:30 PM
I'm here for the long haul. Hey peeps msg me ,,,, :-*