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Messages - Lyn Chase

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SpiritWars Discussion / Re: Progress
« on: July 21, 2014, 05:46:56 AM »
This is exciting news! Thank you, Chris!

SpiritWars Discussion / Re: What you would like to see in a new SW
« on: July 13, 2014, 10:07:47 AM »
Hi Chris!  I'm so happy to see you here!  I'll talk to Eric about how to send out an e-mail to ask message board members to come visit and express their thoughts. 

Announcements / An Angel Among Us!
« on: May 29, 2014, 09:03:48 PM »
Dear SpiritWars family,
  We have an angel among us!  While I hope Randy is looking down on us and smiling, he is not the angel to whom I'm referring right now.  A few weeks ago, Chris Brooks, a former player, contacted me to offer his condolences.  He had just learned of Randy's death.  Chris explained that he and Randy had often discussed the "architecture" of SpiritWars as Chris is a software developer and programmer.  Chris has offered to REWRITE SpiritWars!  We signed an agreement a couple of days ago and Chris has already begun to work his magic!  He would like your input.  Please post any thoughts you have here about the game.  Does anyone know if there is  some sort of service that would allow us to have a meeting on-line?  We could plan a time that would be convenient for Chris and everyone who wanted to attend could do so.  And I wouldn't even have to vacuum and dust before the meeting!  I  would, however, make cyber cookies just like I used to back in the early days of SpiritWars.  Please post your thoughts here!
              Love, Lyn   (aka Mom)
PS:  The font I've used here is MS Comic Sans because it was Randy's favorite.

Announcements / Re: I'm sorry
« on: May 16, 2014, 08:59:14 PM »
I think Chris has some AWESOME ideas!  Let's cheer him on!  Chris, I wrote you a personal e-mail.  I hope you received it.

Announcements / Re: I'm sorry
« on: March 06, 2014, 07:44:02 PM »
I know that many of you were watching for signs of progress by the programmer I had hired to wake up the spirits, but he made NO progress and is no longer involved.  His invitation to sign up for beta testing was, to say the  least, premature.  Do you think it would be a good idea for me to collect comments from players about their feelings for the game and use them to approach programmers who might be willing to do the rewrite for a percentage?  Please let me know what you think.

Announcements / Re: I'm sorry
« on: March 06, 2014, 07:37:54 PM »
Hi Tom!  I'm so happy to see you here!  Thank you for your comments and help.  I have been so overwhelmed with, well, life, that I haven't figured out a plan yet for SpiritWars.  Tom, I got your voice mail today but the number on my phone was incomplete.  I'm still trying to find your number.  I know it's around here somewhere.  I am usually not so disorganized.  Please call me back!

Announcements / Re: I'm sorry
« on: January 16, 2014, 02:02:26 PM »
Thank you!  Ekoms, do any of the programmers you know have knowledge of Visual Basic 6 and either PHP or Java?  It will be necessary to completely rewrite SpiritWars, and it makes the most sense to convert it to a language that would work with mobile devices.  I have NO knowledge of programming.  At all.  So I must rely on others to advise me.  It might have to be a collaborative effort with multiple programmers in many parts of the country working together.  I still have no idea how to fund it since I have NO money.  But I am grateful for everyone who wants to help.  Even those who think good thoughts are important to me.  I'll be watching the board here to see what else others have to suggest.  Take care.        Lyn

Announcements / I'm sorry
« on: January 14, 2014, 09:32:23 PM »
Dear SpiritWars family,
  I have some bad--and embarrassing--news.  We have run into a major, perhaps insurmountable, problem with the SpiritWars code.  I truly believed that we were going to be able to bring back the game.  I never meant to mislead you and I hope you'll forgive me.
  SpiritWars was written in a programming language called Visual Basic 6.  This language was old even when Randy was working on it.  Randy was a self-taught programmer and did his best but didn't live long enough to learn a newer language.  He spoke of wanting to rewrite the game in .NET, the newer version of Visual Basic, but it didn't happen.  A little lesson in programming that I just learned today:  Programmers don't write all the code themselves.  They often purchase "things" that they embed or somehow utilize in their own code.  In the case  of SpiritWars, there were things called "controls" that Randy apparently purchased from a "controls" company.  Those controls are ancient and will no longer work in today's technological environment.  It will be necessary to completely rewrite SpiritWars.
  Eric and I need your help.  Please tell us what you would like us to do, keeping in mind that we don't have the money to hire a team of programmers to do the rewrite.  Should we try a kickstarter campaign?  I'm afraid that we can't do it by ourselves.  Do any of you know how to approach investors?  Are any of you programmers who would want to work as a team to bring it back?   I can't tell you why, but I don't feel ready to just give up.  I apparently still have some fight left in me to keep trying.  We NEED your input.
  Eric attends community college and I work at my small (and not very successful) business teaching people to become nursing assistants.  But even if we had no other comittments, we don't have the knowledge to move forward with SpiritWars by ourselves.  I believe that you, dear SpiritWars family, are the best people to help us figure out a direction.  I'll be looking for your comments.
          Love, Lyn   (aka Mom)

Announcements / Happy New Year!
« on: January 01, 2014, 07:16:22 PM »
  Happy New Year to my SpiritWars family!  I'm sorry that I've been silent for quite a few weeks.  Please don't give up on the rebirth of SpiritWars.  We are still working on it.
  When the websites for the new national health care program did not debut as scheduled, I just smiled and thought back to the projects I watched Randy develop and reflected on how software has complexities that, apparently, the designers, programmers and developers cannot anticipate.  I was neither surprised nor put off by the delays.  I was certainly aghast that the country was so angry and disgusted.  A project of such magnitude was bound to experience delays and glitches.  What should have happened, though, was  a concerted effort to develop solutions,  even if they were not elegant, and a populace willing to recognize that such an immense change cannot happen overnight.  I remember watching Randy agonize over bugs that did not  respond to his repairs, delays over which he had little control, hardware failures.  How I wish he were here to expound on the situation with his gentle humor and his insightful observations!  February 20th will mark the five year anniversary of his death.
  I challenge us all to march into 2014 with resolve to accomplish our goals, to make the world a better place, to seek out the lonely and bring them friendship, to find those who are hurting and bring them comfort, to find problems and fix them, to grow intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.  Please know that you are all important to me.
                      Love,   Lyn (aka Mom)

General Development Notes / Re: Looking for Beta Testers
« on: November 20, 2013, 09:00:26 AM »
Thank you Psyclone!

General Development Notes / Re: Looking for Beta Testers
« on: November 19, 2013, 11:23:00 PM »
What a wonderful birthday surprise!  (Tomorrow is my birthday.)  Thank you, Bret!

General Development Notes / Re: Where did he go? Have you seen him?
« on: November 12, 2013, 10:37:09 AM »
Welcome back! 

News / Re: BIG BIG BIG NEWS!!!
« on: October 30, 2013, 03:58:17 PM »
Thank you, Bruno!  I can hardly wait until  everybody is feasting in Valhalla!

Announcements / Will I be able to buy and sell spirits (playing pieces)?
« on: October 26, 2013, 10:47:45 AM »
No.  Randy was committed to a fair and level playing field and he felt that a player's financial status should NOT give him/her a playing advantage.  We will be retaining the subscription model.

Some of you worried about me and my future and encouraged me to implement the "other" model to generate more revenue.  Thank you for caring.  While I hope to make some money with the game, there is another element as well.  It is a labor of love, a tribute to Randy.  I want to honor his vision.

Announcements / How can I help?
« on: October 26, 2013, 10:38:03 AM »
When we launch in the next couple of weeks, we'll need lots of players to test the system.  If you know any former SpiritWars players, PLEASE inform them of the new developments and direct them to the forum.

Lyn, Eric and Bret

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