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Announcements / Re: Meet the team
« Last post by TwistedMe on June 11, 2016, 08:59:19 AM »
Lyn, sooooo glad to see you're at it again!  Always happy to help if there is anything I can do!  Go, TEAM, GO!   8)
Announcements / Re: Official updates and teasers
« Last post by TwistedMe on June 11, 2016, 08:53:56 AM »
Awesome... I'm not going to let myself get excited... but I can't think of anything I would rather do than play some SpiritWars... too late, I'm excited again...  ;D
Announcements / Re: Official updates and teasers
« Last post by Light on June 11, 2016, 06:49:08 AM »
Teaser #1:

Here's a screen shot of a very early rough draft of the new map. The graphics are simply placeholders, and will be changed in the future.  The purpose of this picture is to display the different camera angle and depth aspect. 

Most map tiles are "flat", while highlands are high and lowlands are low.  While this changes the entire look and feel of the SW map, it brings things more in line with the graphics of today. 

Comments, ideas, adn other other feedback is both welcomed and appreciated!

Announcements / Official updates and teasers
« Last post by Light on June 11, 2016, 06:33:47 AM »
Welcome to the official update and teaser thread.  My purpose for this thread to create a single place to provide all updates (along with some teasers!).  I'm excited to share our progress with the community and welcome any feedback anyone has on the direction we're currently going in. 
Announcements / Re: Shall we try again? Would you be willing to help us?
« Last post by Lotar on June 09, 2016, 09:10:15 AM »
1) What did you enjoy most about the game?  What do you want to see remain the same as it was, no matter what?

I loved the strategy component and its simplicity.  The gameplay was great, but agree the pace could be stepped up a bit.

2) What did you dislike about the game?  How can that be improved, so that it's more enjoyable to you in this version?

The long pauses waiting for the other player was really the main turn-off for me.  I would also love an option to watch other players compete.

3) How important to you were the Tournaments and League?  Did you ever participate in either or both of them?  If so, which ones and how often?  If not, why not?  How can they be improved?  What were the most and least enjoyable aspects of these features?

I really got into the tournaments, but not so much the league.  I tried to get into them as often as possible, but they weren't always conducive to my schedule.  Perhaps offer multiple tournaments at different times of the day, and a way to sign up for them in advance.  Also, I think a way to see brackets, replays, and live play would be a fantastic addition.

4) If you were a member, how did you feel about migrations and events?  Did they happen too often or not enough?  Considering that they're an integral part of the game design, how can they be improved?

It's been so long I don't honestly recall.  Keeping things spiced up is nice, but make sure they are predictable and well communicated.

5) On what devices would you play SW?  Would you play on a a mobile device, or would you only play on a computer/laptop?  Is there any aspect of the game that can be changed to make you more likely to play on a mobile device?  Do you think the mobile version of the game should be run separately from the PC version?

I'm a Mac guy... if it's going to be computer based, it needs to be neutral to the OS.  I would play on my iPad or laptop.  It would be quite an achievement if you were able to connect players regardless of the platform.  The big component of SW that really drew me in was the community.  If you have platforms running separately, it defeats that purpose.  I think the majority of today's new players would be drawn in with an App platform.  Most of my current gaming is either on a console or my iPad. 

6) Keeping in mind that the game will never be pay to win, what kind of features would make you consider signing up for a membership?

A neat aspect of other games I liked was the ability to 'trade' cards with other players.  I'm not sure how this would work best since you will not be going with PTW (thank you, thank you, thank you), but it would be a cool way to further connect players.  I do feel that a free side is needed to draw people into the game... just as Randy did originally.  But for me, I will register regardless just to help keep things going!

OTHER: The online gaming market is big, but saturated.  SW needs to be visually appealing, incorporate some kind of basic motion graphics, and maintain integrity of gameplay and community.  I believe the best market to capture new payers is on the App platform.  However, empirical data is the best tool to enable decision making.  See what you can find about the demographics to help fine-tune design and set pricing to ensure sustainability.

Announcements / Re: Meet the team
« Last post by Lotar on June 09, 2016, 08:41:52 AM »
Randomly decided to check the forum... glad to hear!  Let us know if you start any crowd funding or need feedback.

Out of curiosity, what platforms will you develop? 
Announcements / Meet the team
« Last post by Lyn Chase on June 08, 2016, 10:29:03 PM »
Although we are a LONG way from having a working game, I think it's time for you to meet the team.  George--whom you know as Light--is our project manager.  Chris--sorry, Chris, I can't remember your SpiritWars name--is our lead programmer and his son, Ian is in the programming department.  Eric, whom you know as Randy's and my son, is our lead advisor and Bill, who never played SpiritWars, is our graphic artist.  I'm the MOM--I have no function other than to cheer the team on.  (I also own the game and it's trademark.)  We would love to hear from you.  We anticipate posting a screen shot or two of an updated interface.  Please let us know that you're still here.
       Love, Mom
Announcements / Re: Cautious optimism
« Last post by Lyn Chase on May 31, 2016, 09:20:38 PM »
Hi Psyclone!
 I'm happy to hear from you!  Right now our team of six is working to stabilize our plan.  We all have regular jobs or school so things cannot move at the pace we would like.  Right now, the best thing you could do is to help us get the word out that there are messages to be read here.  I would like our SpiritWars family to know that we are trying once more to bring the game back, but because I was unsuccessful in my previous attempts, visits to this message board are rare.  If you have any suggestions, please let us know.  Our team is meeting every week  using Skype because some of us are West coasters and the rest are East coasters.  When I have permission from the team, I will introduce them here.  I do not want to spread false hopes; we must remain cautious.  But there is reason for me to believe that we have a better chance now than we did with any of the other attempts.
Announcements / Re: Cautious optimism
« Last post by Psyclone on May 31, 2016, 12:59:36 PM »
Lyn and Light,

I'd be glad to help out in my free time if I can.  Is there anything that any of us can help with or contribute?

My undergrad was in Aerospace Engineering and I know some programming and have a little experience with databases and website design, but not sure if any of it would be enough to be helpful.

Please let me know if I can help in any way!
Announcements / Re: Cautious optimism
« Last post by Light on May 28, 2016, 05:28:22 AM »
As promised, here is the latest report on our last meeting.  I'm afraid that none of this is terribly exciting, as the meeting was just a mundane follow up, meant to ensure that we're all on the same page and have our tasks in mind going forward.  That said, I want to ensure that we regularly update the committed playerbase on a weekly basis, even if the updates aren't earth-shattering. 

At the moment, we're still working on very general concepts, such as general layout and overall game design, rather than in-game specifics.  Future meetings should definitely be more productive and allow us to provide more interesting updates, so please stay tuned!
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