General Category > SpiritWars Discussion


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I have carved out some space on my web and database servers for spirit wars development.  The database schema currently contains a spirits table, map table and a few other tables I gleaned from the code and very helpful players. Though these tables will not be used directly in game they are very important as references to how the original game operated and the various abilities of the spirits. I am also creating a small MVC front end as well that will display the different spirits, maps etc. Essentially, a spirit wars encyclopedia for all to see.  The artwork is mostly comprised of bitmaps,gifs and jpegs.  In the end I will need to convert it to png.  Anyone who wants to help me with that would be welcome.  It can be done simply by opening the files in paint and saving them as .png but it can be very time consuming given the sheer amount of files.


Lyn Chase:
This is exciting news! Thank you, Chris!

I'm going to be out of town from July 24 - August 3 and unable to help out until I get back, but will gladly help.  I have Photoshop CS 6 and use it quite a bit.  Let me know in a couple weeks where you're at and what you need and I'll be glad to help.

That sounds great.  I won't be needing it soon but it immediately but it is good to know I can get some help.

I have posted a very rudimentary spirit viewing tool on my site.  If an image doesn't appear it means I don't have it. There are many more data points I can display but have chosen these for the first shot.  In the end I would like this site to be much prettier and informative for everything Spirit Wars past and present.

As far as the actual game I am still in the gathering requirements stage and thinking about the basic design.  Nothing coded yet.

Lyn Chase:
Hi Chris,
  I'm so excited that you're moving forward!  I am winding down my nursing assistant training business and am now employed nearly full-time with a new company.  When I get their program stabilized I'll have more time to breathe.  It's getting closer but it's still a mess.  I am looking forward to the day when I can gather together the SpiritWars family we used to have and catch up on the news.  During the nine years that SpiritWars was on-line, we had people meet, some for casual get-togethers, some for romance.  We had one couple in Australia who met  here and had a baby together.  Although I never played SpiritWars, I felt that I was an integral part of the community and was accepted despite my failure to learn the game.  Thank you, Chris, for giving us hope that SpiritWars will return.
           Lyn (aka Mom)


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