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Online Spirit Gallery
by Ghost Rider


Darklands are based around undead, giving an advantage against many opponents. Many Darklands spirits have either healing or resurrection abilities, which can make them fairly expensive. They also suffers from a very decided lack of speed. They have a large variety and strength of magical spells.

Flatlands have a mixture of spirits, although mainly human. They have those with good movement, range, and abilities. It is a well-balanced color, with a number of useful spirits. However, each spirit has both it's strengths and weaknesses.

Drylands are a natural ally to the Flatlands, but are being used more and more with other colors. This is an often overlooked color that can be very dangerous when used properly.

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Highlands is a good color for combat spirits. It has ranged spirits as well as a horde of combat spirits with a wide range of capabilities. Highlands doesn’t have many spells, but the ones that they have are useful. They also have many good energy pieces.

Woodlands has a number of fast spirits, as well as a few moderately-powerful ones. They don’t have a large number of ranged spirits, but the few they do have are quite powerful. Their spells are good, and have a fair variety, although they work with healing for the most part.


Wetlands has big powerful spiritsas well as quicker spirits. You’ll find some wonderful magical abilities in the Wetlands spirits. They also have many other spells that can enhance the power of your dungeon. Note: Wetlands spirits are the only spirits that can occupy a deep water hex (Above left).

SpiritWars™ is a registered trademark of Kellogg Creek Software.